Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hardy Weinberg Law Blog

Hardy-Weinberg Law
In the class, we learned the theory proposed by Hardy and Weinberg. The law is based on such conditions.
1.     The breeding population is large
2.     Mating is random
3.     There is no mutation of the alleles
4.     No differential migration occurs
5.     There is no selection.
There are two types of genes in the population. The organisms either have homozygous, heterozygous, and recessive genotypes.

P is the value of dominant allele frequency and q is the value of recessive allele frequency.

P+q=1 all the time

The value of p^2 indicates the possibility of homozygous genotypes in the population. The value of 2pq indicates the possibility of heterozygous genotypes in the population. The value of q^2 indicates the possibility of recessive genotypes.

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