Thursday, September 12, 2013

Class 6 Blog

In this class, we started with the structure of a cell.

A cell membrane is like a security wall that is selectively permeable.

  • Bi-layered—Phospholipid (Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic)
  • Protein is imbedded
  • Cholesterol—Share fluid
  • Carbohydrate (consists of CHO)
  • Glycoprotein (Communicate—chemically talk)

  • 4 Functions of membrane proteins
  • Transport—Water + HTP
  • Enzymes
  • Signal transduction
  • Cell recognition

·      Movement of molecules
§  Hypotonic
§  Hypertonic
§  Isotonic

·      Movement of Substances
·      Concentration Gradient
§  Passive transport
§  Active transport

House Case

The process includes symptoms, tests, and diagnosis. List all the possible answers and conclusions on the board. Then, ask the patient questions that are related to the symptoms and potential conclusions. This activity requires the students to apply wide range of knowledge and ask the “right” questions.

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